You know how they say Life is a Winding Road?
It truly is! Sometimes we have these ideas, and they aren’t good they aren’t bad, they are just maybe a “piece” of something bigger. It’s never a straight shot from where you start and where you end up.
That’s what happened with our blog and business. We started the Rustic Barn Wyo as a small business and blog about our new farm, kPlace Farm. We have this beautiful, old, falling down relic of a red barn on our property that we adore. It inspired us. We cleaned it up, (truly the horse pilings were about 1ft deep and hard), nailed in a few rough areas, added some new fencing and gates, then strung up some patio lights and added goats. LOL We turned around and sighed with complete contentment. Our beautiful rustic Wyoming barn. It’s not a fancy barn by any means. When you picture a barn, you are probably like me – BIG, LOFTS, Red! Nope, she’s a simple little thing, but we love her with all our hearts.
So off we launched The Rustic Barn Wyo. But you know what the name lacked? Being memorable. That’s key! We live in this amazing place, where Country, Small Town, Rodeo, Cowboys and 307 come to mind. Rustic is mixed up in there too. But if you know the Cheyenne and Laramie area, you know 307 and the Wyoming Cowboys. Since our barn is Rustic and our hearts are 307 – it had to be! Imagine my surprise and utter amazement when I found Rustic 307 unclaimed and ready to be owned. I have NEVER purchased anything so quickly in my life. And, well, the rest is history 🙂
I’m glad you found us here at The Rustic Barn Wyo and hopefully you found us on The Rustic Barn ( Rustic307) under that name as well. Now, mosey on over to our Storefront at to see what it’s all about. We’ll meet you over there and answer any questions you have.
See ya next time
Merideth & Adam